Legislative Support
A wide range of legislative support is available to states from the American Council of Cannabis Medicine. We can help ACCM members and your state sponsor and effectively lobby legislators, conduct research for specific legislative targets, formulate a plan of action for achieving your legislative goals, and develop effective partnerships with other local organizations who may have similar legislative goals. ACCM recognizes that members may have significant relationships or investments in the legislative process, but it is imperative we follow the ACCM guidelines to achieve the most effective outcome.
-Help craft a specific plan of action to strengthen the legislation and its supporters in executing the initiative. And identifying who needs to be engaged.
-Advice on who we should meet with and how to work with them.
-Advice based on each specific situation.
-Legislators, judges, the state bar, other litigants, court administrators, etc.
-Government Relations Staff can hold conference calls with sponsors and state’s initiative stakeholder leaders to discuss strategy and help decide the best route for your state legislation.
-ACCM monitors the news nationwide for new articles and studies pertaining to the medical
cannabis industry.
-ACCM can provide background documentation on certification, licensure, state benchmarks,
contracting, or specific information as requested.
-If the sponsor has a specific issue(s), ACCM will do its best to help you find the answers that
they are looking for.
Meeting Preparation with Key Decision Makers
-What materials should you present to which key players?
-ACCM can help prepare materials for specifically influencing members of Congress and the state legislature.
-Which topics should you focus on? Which topics should you avoid? What will resonate with them?
Assist in Writing Language for Legislation
ACCM can support states by writing certification, licensure, best-practice standards, and an array of other notable legislative language.
Advocacy Campaigns
ACCM can marshal and provide outreach (public and targeted), and coordinate grassroots advocacy campaigns for state initiatives to support legislation in the state. ACCM can help mobilize a stakeholder community in the state to reach out to legislators through targeted information campaigns, email or social media to implore them to support the action.
Provide and Coordinate Effective Lobby Support
ACCM will create an effective lobby plan for each state initiative. It is very important that all
lobby activities have specific guardrails. In many instances activities done to support
legislation require registered lobbyists to assist. ACCM has a national network of highly
vetted state level lobbyists that can and will be engaged at the appropriate time. No person
or party engaged with ACCM should undertake or begin legislative support work without
consulting with and officially engaging ACCM. See engagement plan.
ACCM Needs You
While ACCM is hard at work protecting your livelihood and increasing opportunities for medical cannabis in Washington D.C. and in states nationwide, we still need your help. As you identify or engage in potential new state initiatives, or identify opportunities to make medical cannabis more effective in already operating states, please engage ACCM as soon as it appears on the radar screen, and then become a part of the initiative team.
Taking a more active role in your industry and being a part of what is happening in the industry, makes the future success of our industry a certainty. You will find out about hot issues affecting reporters and the easy steps you can take to make a difference.
Please reach out:
To engage ACCM and register an initiative, or if you have any questions regarding local, state,
or national issues that will affect you, feel free to fill out the form above or call:
ACCM Government Relations
Consulting Department at 202-349-9650 ext. 850
To register a federal, state or local program with ACCM or receive our State Legislative Support Guide please fill out the form.
Elevated States is the program for ACCM's comprehensive state engagement, outreach, advocacy and education work.
Yes We Cann! is ACCM's national advocacy program. We are working at some level in all 50 states. We have state specific focus.
The State Excel Task Force directly engages ACCM to help facilitate specific state legislative and program objectives.
Working with community leaders and members to increase access and business opportunities to undeserved areas
Next Frontier is connecting the industry with third party payers. Helping them understand and navigate the medcann landscape.
ACCM's OpenConnect program helps members find needed resources to open up operations in emerging states.in states
Copyright © 2024 American Council of Cannabis Medicine - All Rights Reserved.
American Council of Cannabis Medicine 202-349-9650